Energy Communities
We are very happy to be promoting this live SRBE event spread over three 2-hour sessions, during which two of our colleagues will be giving presentations.
The energy transition induces a major shift in the way energy is produced because production capacities are more and more decentralized. In order to efficiently use the grid capabilities, the consumption of this local energy relies on giving the final consumer a centric role, becoming increasingly important.
This growing consumers’ role is leading to the emergence of energy communities, which provide a framework for producers and consumers to manage their energy with each other. Nevertheless, strong legal, economic and technical challenges still exist in order to create a fruitful ground for energy communities to develop.
The SRBE invites you to these study days during which you will develop a better understanding on how energy communities are taking shape and which of the main underlying challenges still need to be tackled.
Speakers will share their experience through their involvement in e.g. designing the Belgian regulatory framework, assessing the key economical, societal and environmental levers, developing innovative technical tools and contributing to concrete pilot projects within the 3 regions.

Live event
Date: 4, 11, 18 June 2021
Time: 11:00 am to 01:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)
Price: Non-members: 305€ HT – Members: 157€ HT – Members who are Teachers, -30s, students and pensioners: 57€ HT
Session 1 – June, 4th : Concepts and Frameworks
- Introduction and concepts: Benoit Aubard (SIA Partners)
- Energy communities in Belgium: a European regulatory framework and local implementations: David Haverbeke and Samuel Verschraegen (Fieldfisher)
- Energy communities: economic drivers and uncertainties: Raphaël Castadot (SIA Partners)
- Projets pilotes au sein d’ORES – leviers sociaux et environnementaux : Guillaume Cambier (ORES)
Session 2 – June 11th : Economic and Technology
- What can bring a daily or a seasonal storage to an energy community project ? : Patrick Hendrick (ULB)
- Les Communautés d’Energie comme nœud intermédiaire de la décentralisation de l’énergie : quel potentiel ? : Cathy Crunelle (ENGIE-Laborelec)
- Impact van het Vlaamse kader op de processen en systemen van de DNB : Sven Van Den Bosch (FLUVIUS)
- Key factors to consider for collective self-consumption business models in residential segments : Alice Detollenaere (Bequerel Institute)
- Services et outils digitaux pour optimiser les communautés d’énergie : Eric Vermeulen (Haulogy)
Session 3 – June, 18th : Case studies
- Aperçu de projets pilotes en région liégeoise : Simon Lachi (RESA)
- Statut des projets pilotes sur la région Bruxelles Capitale : Daphné Benzennou (SIBELGA)
- Cas concret de CER : « PME Nos bambins » à Ganshoren : Benjamin Wilkin (APERE)
- Cas d’usage de communautés d’énergie dans l’écosystème d’innovation IO Energy : Jessie Moelans (ELIA)
- Présentation du projet Quai des usines/Werkhuizenkaai à Bruxelles : Magali Gontier (ENGIE-Laborelec)