A deNOx installation is far more than just a catalyst
Soot-blowing, sealing system and ammonia injection are examples of crucial elements of an SCR plant that can jeopardize it proper functioning.
Regular in-depth inspection of your installation by a specialist delivers essential information, whether you’re looking to fix an issue, or prevent problems arising.
The priceless value of an on-site inspection
Our extensive operational experience in the field has proved that in-depth inspections detect potential problems before they occur, and make it possible to put in place an effective solution before the situation gets any worse. For SCR plants, our inspection coverage includes:
- The SCR reactor itself.
- The catalyst layers in each reactor.
- The complete sealing system.
- The cleaning system.
- The ammonia injection grid (AIG) system.
Examination of these areas ideally takes place immediately after shutdown of the SCR installation, before the cleaning stage. This makes it possible to visually evaluate the actual operating conditions of the cleaning system.

Catalyst sampling
Getting reliable results from an SCR plant assessment requires adequate and representative sampling of catalysts. This sampling is carried out by our experts, according to standards and best practices, with a focus on assuring representativity and the quality of the process over time.

Survey of design, operation and maintenance data
Understanding the original design, operation and maintenance data is also key to assessing the performance of the SCR installation. Combined with catalyst test results, this kind of survey can identify possible improvements to the non-catalyst elements of the installation which contribute to extending the catalyst lifetime.
Our broad experience of SCR operation is such that in these non-catalyst areas our experts can also identify early indicators of underperformance which may go unnoticed by plant operators. Typically, such aspects are reviewed jointly with your staff on site, as part of the inspection project.